A painful article to write, reflecting on years of GLBTQI activism. I’ll discuss how the fight for our right to be unique has taken a troubling turn, leading to a culture of conformity and commercialism that has stripped us from what made man to man connection intense and the lifestyle fulfilling.
Queer culture and the GLBT world used to feel like home; now, it’s a very toxic environment, and for how much we all love it, we can’t truly deny its issues.
Love and Rainbows, but only if you conform to madness
Queer culture is all about sugary idealistic fantasies on inclusiveness at all costs, loving all the colors of the rainbows, and reinforcing the most extravagant and heavily engineered identity trends. Yet, this crowd is truly welcoming and inclusive towards those who conform to its tendencies, leading to several problematic dynamics.
Queer culture now demands conformity. If you don’t fit into the exact mold, such as being necessarily black, trans, feminine, non binary and so on, you face gratuitous discrimination. This exclusion extends to anyone who is cisgender and white, or who simply doesn’t align with the prevailing trends. The community, which should champion diversity, now marginalizes those who don’t conform.
As a result, we’ve strayed from our roots. The queer movement was once about celebrating individuality and uniqueness. Today, it feels like there’s an unwritten rulebook dictating how to be queer; and the most fun thing, is that they complain about this towards people who honor traditions. This culture of conformity undermines the very essence of what the GLBTQI community used to stand for.
What strikes me the most about the situation is how the same rights they dress up in colorful clothes for, are aggressively denied by them to whoever has a different opinion. When you try to confront them and invite them to a healthy discussion, you get immediately insulted and accused of being homophobic, retrograde, trapped in a toxic image of masculinity, that you are “cis” and suddenly, just because you were born that way and you genuinely feel ok that way, if you dare to enjoy being masculine in the most natural sense of it, or being linked to a set of values that today are not appreciated and so on, you are to blame. All of a sudden, they are perpetrating the same abuse GLBT people have been living for centuries.
How come that we have become this way? How come that at a Gay Pride you can jump on a car only if you are queer enough on their standards?
How come you are socially accepted by the main gay scene only if you take drugs, go to the gym for looks, alter yourself to fit into a standard? Why can’t your story be different and be valued and kept safe from homologation? Weren’t we fighting homologation?
Weren’t we the ones that were better, and respectful and taking care of diversity?
Glorification of Cruelty, Bitchiness and Brattiness
Cruelty and nastiness have become glorified, because queer culture has shifted role models from a world that they felt too “normative” (reads: too difficult, requiring integrity and hard work) to a world designed for entertainment and laughs, not certain for life.
Some examples are:
- drag queen shows based on the nastiness between the contestants, and not truly on the creative aspects
- queer educators who demonize traditional values and glorify freedom by decadence at all costs (overlooking the tendency to self – harm)
- The ideal of not having to conform to a life of work and responsibility, mimicking ways of reinforce narcissism as a lifestyle as success metrics (being a cash master, turning sex into marketing, and so on)
Look at the influence of shows like RuPaul’s Drag Race. While entertaining, they’ve popularized a culture of shade and reading that encourages being mean-spirited. It’s one thing to have fun, but when cruelty becomes the norm, we’ve lost our way. The community’s heart is supposed to be about acceptance and love, not tearing each other down.
Where do we come from
I was a GLBTQI activist for several years, in which I dedicated with passion all of my energies to educate gay and straight people, and to be inclusive and positive, in order to fight globally against homophobia, oppression, discrimination and abuse on minorities. Something that the woke teenage world doesn’t understand, is that up to 2010 roughly, western world wasn’t what it is today.
I was enraged by how young people would not partecipate to civil rights movements with energy, underestimating the threat of a society which was not ready, in some areas worst than in others, to embrace multiculturalism and being respectful to all ideas and inclinations (and maybe, it’ll never be).
I have been trained to think taht we were all brothers and sisters, and I still think that we are. But we are still individuals and we still are all different, and we should stay that way. If you can still recall the time when you were free to have your own opinions, to be original in your own way, and to find a way of life that you validated, and not one that is validated by the masses, the whole agenda in the Queer and generally GLBTQI movement was to claim our right to be different, to be unique, to be special in our own way, and at the same time being considered normal in that, because we all have the right to be imperfect, we have the right to be humans.
Now, while we have been making some good progresses in that up to 2020, a short circuit have happened. Being gay implied, at some point of this revolution, not to have any strong set of rules. We were right out of the AIDS death toll, so we didn’t have the “Community” as it was intended in pre-AIDS time, one made of protection of one another, brotherhood, internal rules and mechanics, and such.
We were not ready to have our own made rules either, rules and codes that though existed before the HIV death toll, as an example in the Old Guard Leather Community (but not only that). Since society didn’t have a set place for us, we didn’t have any rail to follow. This was very scary, but also very liberating. You could do whatever you wanted, since society thought you were a worthless pervert anyway (and the damage of internalized homophobia is still kicking today).
So you could want a family, or you could want to be single all life, you could want to be monogamous, poligamous, poliamorous, you could want to just party and dance every day, and you could decide to claim your right to enjoying being a slut and taking as many cocks as possible for the sake of it. Those were roaring ages of a sort of sexual liberation, because at the time there was a need for sexual liberation. Are you really sure sexual freedom is what is still lacking today? Isn’t it maybe, instead, sexual connection that we’ve killed?
And with the arrive of PreP, while bringing an enormous improvement in the fight against HIV and its senseless stigma, this impacted also most of the gay men sexual behaviour towards safety, but that’s another story.
A Community adrift from Identity Based to Monetization Based
Quite soon, thought, we started to have a deep hunger for “more”. Once everything extreme has become permitted, it doesn’t feel so special anymore. It was great yeah, but what about that thrill of the conquer? What about being able to actually enjoy something because you had to work for it? That applies to sex too.
Maybe that’s why when most gay guys are done with their new grindr hookup, before he actually leaves the house they are already on grindr again? Gay culture started to cannibalize itself and its inner communities one by one, leveraging the feeling of being entitled to everything, because you are a minority; we have suffered, we have fought (well, the old generations did) and so now we want to enjoy everything; it’s understandable, but also dangerous.
Because the only drive in leveraging that sense of entitlement, is the commercialization of events, of parties, of drugs, of apps and of people. When the goal of the organizers in our community is merely and only monetization (and one must be very dishonest or a total idiot not to see this), leveraging glbt entitlement because of its minority has become a trend, and the very heart of the “woke” detour reality that the queer scene took.
Every community became easily accessible to everyone for the sake of doing it because “the other guys” was doing it, because it was “the new thing”. Take Leather, chastity, poliamory, genital modification… take anything that before was special and linked to a unique identity, had an history of it’s own and was about a personality, then commercialize it through professional aseptic pornography made only by “perfectly attractive models” (instead of men), commercialize it through parties, and put a price tag on it.
GLBT people will love it and buy it.
This happens because the gay community, for how much it likes to deny it, is still searching for itself, for its role models and its values; values that were lost after the AIDS epidemic in the late 80’s/90’s. So, fast forward to today, what is the result?
- Everybody looks the same
- Everybody goes to the same parties
- Everybody buys the same gear
- Everybody must use the same slang
- Everybody must “spill the tea sis”
Take all of this and mix the more pictoresque representation of some of the core assets of the Queer Culture, such as gender non binarism, gender fluidity, hyperfeminization as opposition to hypermachism, and so on, with what they have cannibalized.
Fascism is still fascism, even if it switches from black to pink
The act of cannibalizing every subculture diverging from an entity’s agenda, turning it into something without value and with free access to everyone, while commercializing it into a money making machine, and washing away the history of how things used to be by claiming “they never existed”, is fascist.
This is the pink fascist way throughout which a part of Queer Culture is doing a culture cannibalism of everything that has an history different from their Agenda. This is not how you empower a community, this is how you train men to be weak and spineless, by taking any seriousness, accountability, sense of duty and discipline, sense of honor and brotherhood, respect for traditions and respect for our natural biology (not talking about gender identity here AT ALL), and tossing everything in the garbage for all future generations.
The worst part is that this is reinforced by older men in the scene. They don’t want to face the fact that they are growing older, and they are afraid of remaining alone as it’s quite tough to be an older man if you didn’t fulfill your existence with a drive that has value to yourself; I guess that by luring younger generations into drugs abuse and hollow sexuality makes them feel less of a failure to themselves, as much a wiping out any culture based on integrity does.
Just count the number of the self-called “Daddies” who will offer you some “Tina” in order to get the party started and going. This kind of world cannot be accepted by and Old Guard Leatherman; apparently another difference between Old Guard and new guard is that this behavior in the second group is maybe not encouraged, but for sure not condemned either.
Older gay men used to Mentor. Now, they just mentor to use.
When I was in my early 20s I’ve met a guy who did Leather porn movies in the past; the way he look and spoke in chat was just right; the premises were just right. One day he contact me to let me know he was in my town and wanted to meet up. I’ve explained him I was home alone with a high fever and therefor it wasn’t possible to do anything, especially since I was concerned for my health. He proposed to still meet. I have refused several times. He was 56, I was 24; he started acting reassuring and saying he offered to just come and sit by my bed to keep company so we could watch a movie and he would watch over me.
I thought that was sweet and the mark of a real Man. When he came, we talked about Leather. I expressed my views, and when I’ve asked about his, he crawled on my bed coming towards me, and said “Oh baby. It’s just a different kind of Drag” and tried to kiss me.
I reminded him that I was sick and didn’t want to have any sex. He stated how nobody believed in “this shit” and that it was just a less colorful drag queen code, capable of opening you the gates to much many more and different cocks to suck. I told him that this is how people like him are raping a culture and murdering it.
I’ve seen this same kind of behavior from many, many older gay men, taking the roles envisioned in traditional Leather and non-Leather culture (being a mentor, a support, a voice of wisdom), just to bring on a sexual agenda with younger guys, as a way to cope with their middle life crisis.
It is a very interesting post! I fully agree with your analysis. Many years ago (25 ?), when I started to discover the fetish and BDSM community as a young adept, I found the “brotherhood” and certain honour and values that were greatly cherished back then. Being originally from Poland, Berlin was the natural direction. At that time, the only “event” was Berlin Easter fetish meeting. It was informal and not organised. The Folsom in Berlin appeared only years later. One can say that I am nostalgic, by claiming that “in the past everything was better”. However, in the recent years I recognise the progressive “cannibalisation” of the LGBT community. Cannibalisation and over-commercialisation. Nowadays, one can even buy a “pride” yogurt with rainbow flag on it. Today rainbow colours sell well 🙁
Equally, I have been accused of being homophobic because I consider myself a man, I train martial arts and puppy fashion is not “my thing”. Saying that I don’t like it – provokes comments that I am homophobic, etc …
I really like the term “homologation” which you use in this context. Indeed, nothing what is mainstream gay lifestyle is not accepted or allowed anymore…
Glad to see that there still exist “Old Guards”. In a way you always inspired me and from time to time, I followed your contributions on your social media channels… Thanks for this website…
Hello lthrskull,
Thanks a lot for your comment; getting this kind of feedback really makes my day and gives purpose and meaning to this website. It’s not really because I need to be told I’m right, but to read that other likeminded people feel less lonely, and that WE are still out there, is exactly the goal of the website, and the huge amount of effort to maintain it.
The saddest part of new guard community is that even when in good will, they are so blinded by their self entitlement, that they really cannot see they have become the oppressor.
Thanks for joining in and being a member at Old Guard Leathermen.
Strong Hugs
I am smiling reading this blog article because it’s rare to hear gay men in particular, questioning or critiquing narratives, ideologies and so on. I’m talking gay culture in general here, not specifically BDSM etc. I’ve never felt proud to be gay and have been told I am a self hating gay man, permeated by internalised homophobia, when in fact I just don’t hang my entire identity on a sex act that lasts on average 5 1/2 minutes… well thats a straight statistic but you catch my drift. I don’t use Grindr, have never seen RuPaul’s drag race and just don’t feel pride seeing an 8 year old kid feeding a pup on a lead dog biscuits at Manchester Pride. Apparently I’m homophobic for expressing that involving children in gay kink is child abuse. I’m also transphobic for my belief that hacking breasts off 15 year olds and giving puberty blockers to children is child abuse too. I wondered what your thoughts were on the role of narcissism, vulnerable/covert narcissism (this type underpinning the typical online troll or social justice warrior with a thirst to cancel you to destruction if possible.). I am not sure if research has been done, but I suspect the proliferation of people with narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic tendencies is a higher percentage than the average in the gay community. I suspect the BDSM community might be the same, given that narcissists want narcissistic supply which could easily be garnered by abusing the BDSM relationship dynamic you have described above. I’m afraid I learned the hard way about narcissistic abuse. The ex was into BDSM, but not the true kind you describe. In my case BDSM was one of the tools my ex used to abuse, but what shook me was the number of other men who would join in the abuse, with the perfect cover of it being “play”. That, however is in the past. I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks.
Hi Jay, thanks for the comment.
This article ought to be updated as the situation got much worse in the last years, in my opinion. I’d say the greatest problem is the ongoing polarization of extremes in society, where as you say, if you don’t feel all this excitement about these topics, you’re straight out homophobic or transphobic. What’s worse, is that doesn’t just fragment the sense of unity that some of us used to feel up to 15 years ago or so. It also makes us unattentive of what matters the most, the real enemies, the real homophobes, and the real bad shift things are taking globally for glbt rights globally.
What you say about the rise of narcissism is true, and my own analysis comes down to the problem lies on the normalization of narcissism created by the last 10 years of internet and social media, the obsessions for personal success and perceived power people have nowadays, and of course the way that translates in the gay world, where often the language of power and influence, sadly, is often shallow and based on looks, sex, followers, and such. This is not only true for the gay world, though. I think the normalization of narcissism makes people more lonely, less likely to grow, and in the end, almost always abusive, preying on the fertile grounds where people mix belief with rationality, emotion with pragmatism, power, control and love, like BDSM is.